Tips for Recruiting

Filling open job positions in 2021 has become more complicated than in recent years due to the pandemic and the way the workplace has evolved. Many people are labeling this time as “The Great Resignation” and workers are beginning to prioritize remote positions over going into the office. Research conducted by PWC states that 65% of employees are looking for a new job, and 88% of executives say they are seeing higher turnover than normal. Companies are exploring new ways to make recruiting more effective and to retain their talent once hired.

Here are some tips on what is working right now:

  1. Make sure the positions that you are advertising are accurate. Review your job descriptions, salary ranges, employee benefits, and your company culture.
  2. If you advertise your openings on your website or on job boards, ensure that the postings are up to date. Applicants may be less likely to apply to jobs that have been open for several months.
  3. Look into providing sign on bonuses or developing a referral program. This will help incentivize employees to share with friends and family that there are jobs available.
  4. Use social media. Keeping your social media pages like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn up to date can help drive business to your company. It is also a great way to advertise job opportunities.
  5. Work hard to retain the talent you have or have a plan to replace them if necessary. It is possible that your talent is being sought out after by other companies via LinkedIn or email. Spend time building company culture and pay them compensation that remains competitive within your market.

Currently, it is taking longer and costing more now than it has before to attract and retain talent. Take time to review and develop your recruiting processes to attract the right candidates. Read more about this topic here.  

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