Exempt Employee
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DOL Increases Salary Level for Exempt Employees (coming July 1, 2024)
Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued its much-anticipated final rule raising the salary threshold for employees to be exempt from federal overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The new rule significantly increases the minimum salary requirement for executive, professional, and administrative employees, and ...
“Highly Compensated Employee” Exemption Requires Payment on a Salary Basis
A highly-paid offshore tool pusher worker sued Helix Energy Solutions because he was not paid overtime. He was considered exempt under the “highly compensated employee” exemption (Wage and Hour law) but was paid on a day rate, not a salary. In late February, the Supreme Court decided that the worker must be paid overtime because......
New Overtime Rule: Exempt Threshold To Increase from $23,660 to $35,568 January 1, 2020
WHAT HAPPENED? This Tuesday (September 24, 2019), the Department of Labor announced the following changes to the FLSA’s white-collar overtime exemptions, to become effective January 1, 2020: The minimum salary threshold for exempt status will be $684 per week, annualized to $35,568 per year. The highly compensated employee exemption’s total...
Is a Company required to pay employees for weather closings?
Last Saturday and Sunday, Hurricane Irma stormed its way across Florida closing businesses, forcing evacuations and crashing power lines. Almost all businesses were closed Friday through Tuesday, and some even longer if power was lost. What are the rules for paying employees when a company is forced to close due to severe weather? The answer......
Obama Overtime Rule is Invalidated
On August 31, a federal judge hearing the case challenging the validity of the Obama Administration’s controversial new overtime regulation ruled that the key provisions were unlawful.  The regulations, developed in 2016, had nearly doubled the salary level required to qualify a worker for an exemption from overtime (the Fair Labor Standards...
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