Company Culture
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What Drives Workplace Culture in 2024
In 2024, the landscape of workplace culture continues to evolve at a rapid pace, shaped by an interaction between technology advancements, shifting societal norms, and emerging business priorities. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture to attract and retain top talent, drive in...
Military Appreciation Month (May) – Honoring Heroes
May is National Military Appreciation Month, a special time to honor the service and sacrifice of military servicemembers. Congress designated May as a month to publicly thank both past and present military members for their contributions and dedication to our country. Military Appreciation Month serves as a reminder to celebrate the patriotic spir...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
During May, your company can join the national movement to raise awareness about mental health. This month is dedicated to educating the community, reducing stigma, and encouraging those in need to seek help. Mental Health Awareness Month is a reminder of the importance of caring for our mental well-being just as much as we care......
Mastering the Exit Interview: 4 Tips for a Successful Farewell
When an employee decides to leave your company, it marks the end of a chapter, but it also opens a window of opportunity for growth and improvement within the company. Exit interviews are potentially valuable tools that offer insights into employee experiences, reasons for departure, and areas for employer improvement. Conducting effective exit int...
10 Interview Questions to Screen for Company Culture
Interviewing candidates to assess fit with your company culture is crucial for building a cohesive and successful team and organization. Company culture is the shared values, attitudes, behaviors, and standards that make up a work environment. It is about the experience people have at work and is often connected with the messaging that your company...
How to Strengthen and Improve Your Harassment Avoidance Program
Harassment prevention is a critical aspect of any workplace culture. In April, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a technical assistance document titled “Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment in the Federal Sector,” which provides practical tips for preventing and addressing harassment within the federal civi...
Create a Supercharged Employee Referral Program
Recruiting has been tough in recent years. We have many clients who successfully use an employee referral bonus program to supercharge their recruitment of talent. Employee referral programs accomplish three important objectives: (1) it engages employees in the business and adds excitement; (2) it pays current employees (instead of recruiting compa...
Has COVID lowered employee morale?
Last year was a brutal year on all of us as we went through a global pandemic and experienced drastic changes to our typical lives. People’s lives changed, how we do work changed, and the way we see the world has changed. Specifically, the workplace has been changing continuously to fit the needs of safely......
6 ways Small Businesses Improve Results by Investing in HR
Not every company needs to hire an HR professional, but every company needs to invest in its HR function. Without skilled and experienced human resources advice, small business owners can make expensive mistakes. In addition, HR can offer ownership proactive guidance and recommendation on ways to improve HR processes and procedures and shape and de...
How to Write a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
Hiring and training new employees (if you can find them) is expensive and time-consuming. Due to this dilemma, we are often contacted by Florida small business owners to discuss ways to positively address employee performance problems, in hopes of saving a productive employee.  So, before firing an employee, what can be done to save the......
Need on-going HR support?
We have affordable HR retainers that offer a unique alternative to full HR outsourcing or the hiring of a full time HR employee. We design unique solutions to match your business strategy and budget. We have a proven track record of helping companies from many industries. We listen and probe to understand your needs and goals, before we offer recommendations and realistic solutions.
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