Yes, if your construction company employs at least 20 employees. This new legal obligation was added to contractors several years ago. OSHA implemented the new recordkeeping rule to require specific employers (including construction contractors) to electronically submit to OSHA information from its OSHA 300A form (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses). Do you know that there are several OSHA recordkeeping and reporting rules and responsibilities for contractors? Let’s recap the rules affecting contractors so you can stay in compliance.
First, small contractors (10 employees and less) are exempt from the general OSHA rule that requires a construction contractor to maintain the OSHA 300 log (Log for Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses). Large contractors (more than 10 employees) are required to maintain the OSHA 300 log (containing employee injuries) and create/post the OSHA 300A Summary of Injuries for company employees to see.
Second, all contractors, regardless of size are required to report a worker fatality to OSHA within 8 hours, as well as any amputation, loss of an eye or hospitalization (admission to hospital) of a worker within 24 hours.
Third, construction contractors with at least 20 employees (including all construction contractors with a NAICS code starting with 23 and Building Material Dealers (code 4441), must submit injury and illness summary data (from the OSHA 300A form) to OSHA electronically. This rule is called ITA (Injury Tracking Application) reporting. Starting this year, the largest construction contractors (with more than 250 employees) are no longer required to submit to OSHA information from the OSHA 300 log and other specific data about employee injuries.
Every year, the deadline for posting the OSHA 300A Injury Summary form is February 1st. This year, March 2, 2019 is the deadline for electronically reporting your OSHA Form 300A data (reporting calendar year 2018 data).
Need help understanding the rules? Let the team at Consultstu share your workload, so you can have more time for everything else.