All posts by stu

Can employers accept an ITIN card?

What is an ITIN Number?

An ITIN is a nine-digit number issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required for U.S. federal tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have and are not eligible to get a social security number (SSN).  The ITIN is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number and regardless of their immigration status. Fact Sheet about ITINs.

Can a Person Get Hired with an ITIN card?

ITIN is for federal tax reporting only and is not intended to serve any other purpose.  An ITIN does not authorize work in the U.S. or provide eligibility for Social Security benefits or the Earned Income Tax Credit.  ITINs are not valid identification outside the tax system.  The ITIN card is not a valid document listed on either List A or List B of the Form I9.

What is the IRS Guidance on ITINs?

Do not accept an ITIN in place of an SSN for employee identification or for work. An ITIN is only available to resident and nonresident aliens who are not eligible for U.S. employment and need identification for other tax purposes. You can identify an ITIN because it is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number “9” and is formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNN). Note: An individual with an ITIN who later becomes eligible to work in the United States must obtain an SSN.  Click here for more IRS info.


3 Steps to Write Irresistible Job Postings

You have 2-3 seconds to attract an eyeball to your open position.  Your first chance to make a big impression and begin the engagement process is with your job posting. It’s your initial contact with a job seeker, so don’t waste it. Here are some tips and recommendations for taking your regular effort up a notch.

Nail the Title
Take some time to pick a title that can catch the eye of the best candidates. A title is what everyone sees first – so use parts of the exact job title but consider adding some additional descriptive words. For instance – “Equipment Operator with Fast Growing Contractor.” The average job seeker is spending seconds scanning jobs titles to determine if they will click your job link. Hook them with the extras. Here are some recent examples: “Picasso of Plumbers Adding to Our Team” or “Construction Superintendent for Industry Leader”. Sounds better than “Data Entry” or “Experienced HVAC Technician.” Be creative, emphasizing the positives and use it to brand your company’s experience. Stop the boring and stand out from the crowd.

Brand your Company
Start out with the reason(s) a candidate should be interested in your company. Develop a short, crisp company description and image that expresses who you are as a company and an employee experience. This brands your job posting and sets the expectations for new applicants. Here are some things you can mention about your company: specialties, growth-oriented or established, great benefits or wages, flexible, training, type of clients, location, recognition in the area, etc…  What type of information is going to get your industry professionals interested?

Inject Meaning into the Job

Once they click the job title and see a little about your fantastic company, you will need to describe a little about the job and its responsibilities.  Instead of giving a micro-detailed list of all tasks and needed skills, consider an overview of the key points and spend a few lines explaining the importance of the job to your clients and/or the meaning behind its existence.  Everybody wants to feel that they are contributing directly to the company’s success.  How will the position do that? For example, if you build assisted living facilities mention some feedback from a resident that is loving their new facility because it improves the quality of their life.  If you manufacture medical devices, connect employee efforts to the end users and extending their lives, or improving the quality of life.  No matter what the job, connect it to the meaning of your company’s mission.

Follow these three (3) simple steps and see improved results right away.  What are you waiting for?

2018 Tax Withholding Checkup for Employees

As you may know, major changes to federal tax law took place last year!   Based on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, updates were automatically applied to your payroll system’s wage withholding calculations.   To help taxpayers ensure that their 2018 withholding amounts are accurate, the Department of the Treasury has launched a new tax withholding calculator service available on the IRS website.

If you have a single income source and a standard (or relatively straightforward) deduction scenario, your new withholding amounts are probably okay, nevertheless, it will be to your advantage to take a few minutes and ensure the government is not withholding too little, or too much, of your 2018 wages.

The more complex your tax returns, the more likely that your new withholding amount needs to be verified.  If any of the following conditions apply to you or your household, then you are STRONGLY urged to visit the new IRS withholding calculator, and, if indicated, change your withholding amount by filling out a new (2018 revised) W-4 form:

  • You are a two-income family
  • You have two or more jobs at the same time or only work part of the year
  • You claim credits like the child tax credit
  • You have dependents age 17 or older
  • You itemized deductions in 2017
  • You have high income or a complex tax return
  • You have a large tax refund or tax bill for 2017

To use the IRS calculator, you will need your pay stub and 2017 tax return info.  Plan to spend about 5-10 minutes, and be assured that you will not be asked to submit any personally-identifiable information, nor is any data you enter into the calculator saved or recorded.

While it goes without saying that nobody wants the pain of having to write a big check next April, keep in mind that excess withholding is not a financially savvy move either.   The IRS will not pay you any interest for letting them hold your extra money all year, nor will it be available to you for emergency expenses or to pay down credit card balances.

Even in the absence of any legislative shake up, income withholding should be reviewed periodically to reflect changes in marital status, household size,  income level, deduction qualifications, and other circumstances.   Don’t forget, you are permitted to revise your W-4 at any time during the year, and as frequently as you need to, so take this opportunity to give your withholding a check-up!


DOL Says Tip Pools Can Include Cooks and Dishwashers

The Trump Administration continues to review policies and guidelines issued under the Obama Administration.  Restaurant and hospitality employers will recall that the Obama DOL imposed new regulations that restricted tip pooling (the 2012 field bulletin guidance is rescinded).  In April, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released updated guidance clarifying the federal law on tip pooling.  The updated guidance was issued in direct response to a federal law that amended the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) tip pooling rules. The DOL new guidance states that:

  • Employers are prohibited from keeping tips received by their employees, regardless of whether the employer takes a tip credit against the minimum wage for its employees.
  • Federal regulations no longer prohibit tip pooling when employers pay tipped employees at least the full federal minimum wage and do not claim a tip credit.
  • Employers who pay at least the full federal minimum wage are no longer prohibited from allowing employees who are not customarily and regularly tipped—such as cooks and dishwashers—to participate in tip pools.

However, managers and supervisors are still prohibited from participating in tip pools. However, employers should remember that some states have different rules concerning tip pools and tip credits. When there are differences between state and federal laws in this area, the law more favorable to the employee generally applies.  Florida follows the federal tip pooling rules.

Read the new Fact Sheet #15: Tipped Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Need to track subcontractor Work Comp coverage in Florida?

For Contractors working in Florida, the Division of Workers’ Compensation offers several databases that show the workers’ compensation insurance coverage by Florida companies, including construction contractors.  Best of all, these tracking and information sources are free to use.  As a back up to the physical collection of insurance coverage certificates at the time you contract with a subcontractor, consider using these databases to limit your risk from uninsured companies.

First, the Proof of Coverage Database (Compliance) – The Compliance Database provides information regarding workers’ compensation coverage and exemptions from workers’ compensation.  Beginning in May 2002, this information is kept up to date and is available to the public.  By entering the employer name and city, you will see if the company has a workers’ compensation policy in place.  Results will appear by FEIN/employer name.  Exemption data is also maintained and is available.  Remember, there is always some lag time between the database status and insurance carrier activity (renewal/cancelation etc..) and direct contact with the insurance carrier may be needed to obtain real-time status. The Bureau of Compliance takes referrals for investigation of civil non-compliance through the Internet, in person, by phone (toll-free referral hotline is 1-800-742-2214), or by e-mail.

Second, the Construction Policy Tracking Database – The Construction Policy Tracking Database provides information to contractors regarding the coverage status of the contractors they use.  After registering as a User, the easy-to-use system will send contractors automatic electronic notification of any changes to their contractor’s coverage status. The only action required of the contractor is to register and list the contractors for whom they would like to receive coverage notification.  According to the site, policy and exemption data is updated in the system Monday – Friday evenings.  Employer names reported to the FL Division of WC can vary slightly from those specifically typed on a policy. Older data may reflect multiple employer names under the same FEIN; therefore, it is recommended that employer information be reviewed carefully prior to selecting employers to track. Notification of changes to an employer’s policy information or exemption status will be sent via e-mail on the next business day after receipt of the change, for any employer that a requestor has on their tracking list. Florida Statutes allow insurance companies 21 days after the effective date of a policy or change, to report that policy or change to the Division, so there will likely be a delay in finding an employer’s policy in the database.

When is the Next OSHA ITA Reporting Deadline?

2017 OSHA 300A summary data must be reported to the ITA website by July 1, 2018. But don’t bother setting an annual recurring event in your tasking software … starting in 2019 and every subsequent year, the reporting deadline will be March 2nd.

Remember that not every business needs to report OSHA log summaries to ITA.  Here is the criteria for evaluating your business (or for evaluating each business establishment, if your company is comprised of multiple OSHA injury-logging establishments).

No reporting is necessary for establishments meeting EITHER of the following conditions:

If your NAICS code was not on that partially-exempt list and you had 20 or more employees, your next step is to check whether your business is on the list of industries considered hazardous. If so, then you must report.  Otherwise, you must report only if you had 250 or more employees in 2017.

The summary data uploaded to your ITA account can be edited and corrected up to the reporting deadline, so there is no reason not to get it submitted now.  If you already registered last year to report for 2016, just log in and follow the instructions for reporting your 2017 data, which can be done by uploading the data fields on a CSV file (click here for a sample), or,  you can choose to be walked through individual data entry prompts.

Florida Contractors HR Set Up Package

Attention Florida Contractors and Construction companies!  We have worked with Florida contractors and construction firms for almost twenty (20) years and have been a presenter at contractor continuing education seminars since 2016.   Designed for Florida Contractors, we put together a package of the most critically important HR documents and forms.  This package is ideal for General Contractors, Roofing Contractors, HVAC Contractors, Sheet Metal Contractors, Plumbing Contractors, Electrical Contractors, Mechanical Contractors, Site Development Firms, Utility Contractors and other Specialty Contractors.

  • All Forms are updated for 2018
  • Complete hiring package
  • Drug and Criminal Screening consent forms
  • Florida Contractor Safety Manual (use to qualify for 2% WC premium discount)
  • Drug Free Workplace Policy
  • Safety Equipment form and Safe Driving
  • OSHA 300 log template
  • Injury Documentation
  • Employee Accountability forms
  • Mandatory workplace posters (federal and Florida)
  • Includes Spanish versions of most posters

Click here for the one page Florida Contractors HR Set Up package flyer and download the Order Form for the materials.

HR Needs Assessment Scorecard

We know that Human Resources compliance and effectiveness are priorities for everyone.  Many small/mid business owners have an HR “department” of one, and often this person is wearing multiple hats at the same time – bookkeeper, office manager, controller, executive assistant etc…  Even if HR is your specialty, it is hard to keep up in today’s ultra-competitive environment and rapidly changing legal environment.  “Winging it” or “on the job learning” is a scary prospect and can result in unnecessary expenses and wasted time.  To help you, we have created a Needs Assessment Scorecard for Human Resources.  The short Assessment allows you to rate your confidence level (weak to strong) on how your company handles 19 important HR duties and then assign a priority to the areas you feel need more attention.  Click here to download the HR Needs Assessment.

Send your completed HR Needs Assessment Scorecard to our offices (via [email protected]) and we will schedule a complimentary review of your response with an HR Specialist.

Using Post Offer Medical Questionnaires? Be Careful, Use Correctly

If your company uses post-offer medical questionnaires for new hires, listen up.  How you use the form and when you use it matters to the EEOC.  Additionally, make sure your company knows how to use the medical information and discuss results with the employee.  This month an Alabama contractor that used post-offer medical questionnaires and subsequent physical examinations to terminate several employees with past histories of injuries & surgeries was sued by the federal agency.  The EEOC lawsuit states that medical forms and exams revealed that several employees had disabilities, and the company doctor’s concluded (after a fitness for duty exam) that the employee was not able to perform their job duties.  The problem for Zachry Construction, a San Antonio-based construction and industrial contractor, was that these employees had already been working in their positions and did not have any problems performing their duties.

Reginald White applied for a Boilermaker position at the Chevron refinery and when he was hired, Zachry required him to complete a medical questionnaire.  One month after he began work, the company required White to undergo a fitness-for-duty examination.  After a brief exam and review of White’s medical information, the examining physician found White unable to perform his job duties, even though he had satisfactorily performed those duties for the past month.  The company fired White the next day.

In May 2016, the company required Jasper Johnson to undergo a fitness-for-duty examination.  During the examination, Zachry’s physician learned of a past surgery and lingering neck pain.  The company refused to allow Johnson to return to work and fired him.  Also, Zachry hired Isaacson as a skilled laborer in July 2015. and he had undergone a past surgery on his right shoulder and had multiple right shoulder dislocations post-surgery.  Almost one year later, the company required Isaacson to undergo a fitness-for-duty examination. During the exam, Zachry’s physician learned of Isaacson’s past surgery and multiple shoulder dislocations. The company refused to allow Isaacson to return to work and then terminated him.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects employees and job applicants from discrimination because of their disabilities. If an employee requires a reasonable accommodation, an employer must engage in a good-faith interactive process with the employee to determine if he or she can perform the essential functions of the job with or without a reasonable accommodation.  If a post-offer medical questionnaire and/or physical examination is used, the inquiry should be at the time of hire, or when evidence arises that question an employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job.  Just as important to the employer is the requirement to have an individualized accommodation discussion with the employee – and not just terminate after the doctor’s opinion.

The ADA requires an interactive discussion about the limitations and possible accommodations before the employer can conclude that the employee cannot perform a job successfully or safely because of a medical condition.  The law requires an employer to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee or job applicant with a disability unless doing so would cause significant difficulty or expense for the employer.


Alternate OSHA DART Rate Calculation Formula for Small Businesses


We’ve come across a very interesting Interpretation letter published by OSHA, regarding the unfair impact to small companies of using standard injury rate calculations. Traditionally, DART, as well as any other type of OSHA incident rates, are based on a single year’s sum of incidents, multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by the total number of hours, to yield a rate representational of 100 full time employees.

For companies with less than 100 employees, having a workplace accident that causes recordable injury to two, three, or more employees can spike the DART rate dramatically, resulting in additional costs, dropped coverage, or contract disqualifications.

OSHA received a letter from Big Sky Industrial pointing out that this formula imposes a bias against smaller employers, and asking if there might be “a different benchmark for smaller companies” that would be more fair.   In typical “Official Interpretation” fashion, OSHA keeps its language as neutral as possible and is careful not to redefine any statutes, standards or regulations.  But with the stated purpose of publishing these letters to indicate how OSHA requirements “apply to particular circumstances,” they appear to have given their blessing to small businesses to use a three year aggregate of incidents to maintain a more stable incident rate.

Here’s an example of how it works.  Let’s say a company with 30 full time employees (62,400 hours annually) has 1 recordable injury in 2015, 0 in 2016, and 4 in 2017.  Using the traditional calculation, they would go into 2018 with an whopping 12.82% incident rate.  But applying the three year aggregated formula:

2015 + 2016 + 2017 = 5 injuries x 200,000, divided by 187,200 hours  = 5.34%

Using this formula will smooth out the impact of injury spikes over a longer period of time.  Even if the company achieves an injury-free 2018, they must continue to aggregate the previous two years of data, so at the end of 2018:

2016 + 2017 + 2018 = 4 injuries x 200,000, divided by 187,200 hours = 4.27%

If your company is small, take a look at how this aggregated method can help represent a more realistic measurement of your company’s safety indicators.  Here again is the link to the original OSHA interpretation.   And, as always, never forget the importance of adding training and other proactive safety controls to reduce risk and enhance your overall safety management posture.





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